Radio Pink Floyd Show

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Pink Floyd Radio Shows CD

Pink Floyd
*** Pink Floyd and Radio ***

Do you remember Transcription Discs? Radio shows are practically the same thing, but on CD. They are ready-to-use radio broadcasts (advertising is included!) and they usually come with “cue sheets” containing the sequence of the tracks included and guidelines for the DJ who will broadcast them.

There are several types of Radio Shows: the memorable BBC concerts, Knebworth, interviews to the members of the band accompanied by excerpts from their studio recordings.

Several companies produce Radio Shows. The first ones, by Media America Radio, appeared in 1987, but the most famous and prolific syndicator is surely Westwood One. Unfortunately, starting 1999, many companies have found it more convenient to utilize CD-Rs and, therefore, it is now difficult to distinguish official editions from counterfeit ones.

Something to keep in mind: 90% of these CDs does not have a cover or, when they do, it is a generic cover of the company that produced them. We will look at the exceptions one by one.

But let's look in detail at the various syndicators:

(although I own many radio shows and am aware of the existence of many others, I do not know all existing radio shows, so please forgive me for any omissions)


The most prolific one, as we were saying. It has many “series,” and each series has many shows (about one per year).

The shows are numbered with the last two digits of the year followed by the digits of the week. For instance: 96-13. I am listing the most well-known ones:

- BBC Classic Tracks (90, 92-44, 93-24, 95-52, 96-39)
- Classic CDs (90, 00-10, 01-03)
- Off the record classic (96-41, 97-13, 97-40, 98-28, 99-07, 00-10, 00-46)
- Off the Record Special (92-42, 95-31)
- Superstar Concert (92-23, 93-03, 93-39, 94-19, 95-25, 97-31, 98-10, 01-17)

There are also many “unique” Shows, among which:

- 25th Anniversary (6 CDs, 92-21)
- The Show Goes on (3 CDs, 94-27)
- Echoes (6 CDs, 95-36 - not to be confused with the official BBC one)
- A CD Full of Secrets (1 CD, 92- with cover and jewel case) - this is in reality a collection of rare tracks.


Also this company has many shows, numbered progressively, the content of which is cyclically repeated in time, unfortunately with a different number each time.

- The Dark Side of the Moon (7, 90, 248)
- The Wall (55-56, 107-108, 333-334, 594-595)
- Shine on Box (234-235, 306-307, 414-415)
- Division Bell (339-340, 577-578)
- Wish You Were Here (378, 564)
- The Dark Side of the Moon 25th (508)
- Wish you were here 25th ( 639 )


Probably the first company to publish a Pink Floyd radio show, although it has not printed as many of them as the two preceding companies. On the other hand, its labels are very colorful and graphically appealing, as opposed to the black and white graphics of the other two companies.
Their shows are all named UpClose and go by the year:
(from 2000 the syndicator becomes Jones Radio Network)

1987, 1988, 1989, 1993 (Waters), 1995, 2000, 2001


Somehow connected to Album Network, it is characterized by a wonderful (from the graphic standpoint) double CD, Wish You Were Here 25th Anniversary, and a series of double and quadruple CD-Rs based on Is There Anybody Out There and In the Flesh.


I am familiar only with two shows: Wish You Were Here of 1991 , and Headset of 2000 with Jim Ladd, famous DJ of the first vinyl radio shows.


Famous for its “Various Artists” called “Flashback”. There are dozens of them, double or quadruple CDs, with Pink Floyd appearing only with a few tracks, together with other “sacred monsters” from the 70s.

There is also a 1998 show completely dedicated to Pink Floyd , The Dark Side of the Moon 25th Anniversary.


EMI Germany published a double CD-R.
BBC published an extremely rare radio show, perhaps the rarest of all radio shows, composed of 6 CDs complete with jewel cases and BBC covers.


Collecting radio shows can become very time-consuming as there are many editions and, due to the presence of CD-Rs, it is difficult to distinguish the original ones from the reprints, especially if one has never seen them before. In order to help solve this problem, I published on my site all editions I own and you can use them as a guideline for what you are going to purchase.

Pink Floyd, Radio Show CD

Prices vary a lot. I paid one of them U.S. $12, others U.S. $100, up to the BBC sextuple of which I do not recall the price in order to save the innocent from the wrath of the family.

Lucilio Batini

(Thanks to Rox for English translation)

Pink Floyd
*** I Pink Floyd alla Radio ***

Vi ricordate quando esistevano i Transcription Disc ? I Radio Show sono praticamente la stessa cosa, ma su CD. Sono spettacoli radiofonici gia pronti (pubblicita' inclusa!) e di solito sono accompagnati dai "Cue Sheet", dei fogli con la sequenza dei brani in essi contenuti e delle linee guida di quello che il DJ dovra' dire presentandoli alla radio.

Ne esistono di vario tipo: dai concerti storici della BBC, a Knebworth, ad interviste ai vari membri del gruppo accompagnati da estratti dai loro dischi in studio.

Esistono varie case che li producono. I primi sono apparsi nel 1987, della Media America Radio, ma sicuramente la casa piu famosa e prolifica e' la Westwood One. Purtroppo, a partire dal 1999 molte di queste case hanno trovato piu' conveniente utilizzare supporti CD-R e quindi inizia ad essere difficile distingure le edizioni ufficiali da quelle contraffatte.

Una cosa importante: il 90% di questi cd NON ha una copertina, o se ce l'ha e' generica della casa che l'ha prodotta. Vedremo caso per caso le eccezzioni.

Ma vediamo in dettaglio le varie case discografiche:

(Una precisazione: possiedo parecchi Radio Show, conosco l'esistenza di molti altri, ma NON di tutti quelli esistenti, quindi perdonate in anticipo alcune omissioni)


Dicevamo, la piu prolifica. Ha molte "serie", di cui ognuna ha molti show (circa uno all'anno). La numerazione degli show avviene con il numero dell'anno seguito dal numero della settimana, ad esempio 96-13. Vi elenco i piu conosciuti

- BBC Classic Tracks ( 90, 92-44, 93-24, 95-52, 96-39 )
- Classic CD's ( 90, 00-10, 01-03 )
- Off the record classic ( 96-41, 97-13, 97-40, 98-28, 99-07, 00-10, 00-46 )
- Off the record special ( 92-42, 95-31 )
- Superstar concert ( 92-23, 93-03, 93-39, 94-19, 95-25, 97-31, 98-10, 01-17 )

Esistono inoltre molti shows "unici", tra cui:

- 25 th anniversary (6 cd, 92-21)
- The show goes on (3 cd, 94-27)
- Echoes (6 cd, 95-36 - da non confondere con quello della BBC ufficiale)
- A cd full of secrets (1 cd, 92 - Con copertina e jewel case)
(Questo in realta' e' una raccolta di brani rari, ristampato anche in altra edizione)


Anche questa casa ha molti show, con numerazione progressiva, ma il cui contenuto si ripete ciclicamente nel tempo, putroppo pero' ogni volta con numero differente.

- The dark side of the moon ( 7, 90, 248 )
- The wall ( 55-56, 107-108, 333-334, 594-595 )
- Shine on box ( 234-235, 306-307, 414-415 )
- Division bell ( 339-340, 577-578 )
- Wish you were here ( 378, 564)
- The dark side of the moon 25th ( 508 )
- Wish you were here 25th ( 639 )


Probabilmente la prima a pubblicare un radio show dei Pink Floyd, in realta' non ne ha mai stampati cosi tanti come le due case precedenti. In compenso le labels sono molto colorate e graficamente belle, in contrasto con la grafica in bianco e nero delle altre due.

I loro show si chiamano tutti UpClose ed esitono le annate:
(dal 2000 esce col nome Jones Radio Network)

1987, 1988, 1989, 1993 (Waters), 1995, 2000, 2001


In qualche modo collegata ad Album Network, e' caratterizzata da uno stupendo (graficamente parlando) doppio cd su "Wish you were here 25th anniversary", e da una serie di doppi e quadrupli CD-R basati su "Is there anybody out there" e "In the flesh"-


Ne conosco solo due: un "Wish you were here" del 1991, e un "Headset" del 2000 con Jim Ladd, famoso DJ dei primi radio show su vinile.


Famosa per i "Various Artists" chiamati "Flashback", di cui ne esisono decine, in cd doppi o quadrupli, con i Pink Floyd che appaiono solo con quakche brano, assieme ad altri mostri sacri degli anni '70.
Esiste comunque uno show dedicato tutto a loro, The dark side of the moon 25th anniversary del 1998


Il primo un doppio CD-R edito dalla EMI germania, ed il secondo, rarissimo, forse il radio show piu raro in assoluto, composto da 6 CD editi dalla BBC in 6 jewel case e copertina della BBC.


Collezionare Radio Show puo' risultare molto dispersivo in quanto esistono parecchie edizioni di cui, con la presenza dei CD-R, e' difficile distingure gli originali dalle ristampe, sopratutto se non si sono mai visti prima.
Per ovviare cio', ho pubblicato sul mio sito tutte le edizioni da me possedute, che potete usare per comparare cio' che andrete a comprare.

Pink Floyd, Radio Show CD

I prezzi variano moltissimo. Ho provato a pagarne uno $12, altri $100, fino al sestuplo BBC di cui non riporto il costo per salvare gli innocenti da ire familiari.

Lucilio Batini

Lucilio Batini

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